Sometimes it’s very difficult to choose between the seemingly unlimited choices of online service providers. One of the best things to do is, what you’re doing now, read a blog. Normally people get to blogs because they are doing research, good job, and you’ll usually run across great blogs that say “top 10 companies to work with.” These blogs provide excellent information and comparisons of price, pros and cons. If you’re not sure the blog is reliable then make sure you can find at least two other blogs or articles that support the same conclusion. Don’t just take someone’s word for it though. Blogs have their issues, bringing me to the number one thing you need to do to not fall for a scam or work with a problematic company. This is especially true if you are about to work with a company that deals in technology. Technology is very “iffy,” companies that deal with technology run into errors always (it comes with the territory). So, if you don’t work with a company that can handle these errors your own business or project suffers. You need to contact the company. How the company answers you: reply time (allow 24 hrs. during business days), tone, helpfulness, accuracy etc. is a direct representation of the company itself. Make sure to take note how the company allows for you to contact them. Can you call them, e-mail them or chat online with them? This is important because when you run across an error whether or not you can easily contact the company will greatly affect your success in being able to resolve that error. Don’t put it off, make guesses or assumptions. A website may look amazing and promise the world, but it means nothing if you are not able contact the company when you need them.